SXAPI Resources Catalog

Resources are one core componement of SXAPI. They expose method you can use in your module, and they also expose entrypoint ready to use in your configuration profile for building your API.

Resource manager

Resource manager is the core component used for resources management. He help module developer to acces resources. He's also in charge of initalizing, starting and stopping configured resources. as part of the sxapi core startup process.

// Get the resource manager
var resourceManager = $app.resources;
// Test if a resource exist
if(resourceManager.exist('resource-id')) {
    // access to the resource
    var resource = resourceManager.get('resource-id');

Availables resources

Class SDK Documentation Description
aws_s3 aws-sdk v2.1033.0 read Resource to interact with an AWS S3 backend.
aws_sqs aws-sdk v2.1033.0 read Resource to interact with an AWS SQS backend.
aws_dynamodb aws-sdk v2.1033.0 read Resource to interact with an AWS DynamoDB backend.
couchbase couchbase v4.1.0 read Resource to interact with a couchbase cluster
google googleapis v91.0.0 read Resource to interact with Google API backend.
google_drive googleapis v91.0.0 read Resource to interact with Google Drive API backend.
http request v2.88.2 read Resource to interact with an http server.
mysql mysql v2.18.1 read Resource to interact with a mysql server.
postgres pg v8.8.0 read Resource to interact with a postgres server.
memcache memcache v0.3.0 read Resource to interact with a memcache server.
redis node_redis v3.1.2 read Resource to interact with a redis cluster.
serviceinfo sxapi v0.0.65 read Resource to interact with a application services.
swagger sxapi v0.3.66 read Resource to return swagger manifests.
insee siren2tva v1.2.0 read Resource to interact with a French INSEE company code
localfs (none) read Resource to interact with the application host (or container) local file-system
twitter-v2 twitter API v1.1.0 read Resource to interact with twitter API and tweet streams

Using a resource

If you wan't to see sample sxapi.yml config for various resources, you can visit sxapi-sample project

Declaring a resource in your sxapi.yml

Resources are referenced within the resources key in sxapi.yml. This object reference, with and resource-id, all resources available in you API. You have to read resource documentation to know required or available configuration parameters.

    _class: resource_name
    param: value

You can then use the resource-id in your endpoints or with the resource manager

Using a resource endpoint

If a resource come with endpoints, they are all available using the endpoints property of the resource instance. In your sxapi.yml, you can use them in your declared endpoints. You must use the configuration property endpoint: "endpoints.method" in your endpoint configuration object. This method will receive the full config endpoint object (with inherited property of parents if required). You can use as many times the same resource endpoint with various configuration options.

  • resource string REQUIRED resource-id of the resource to use
  • endpoint string REQUIRED resource method to use for handling response
  - path: "/beer"
    method: POST
    resource: resource-id
    endpoint: endpoints.method

Using a resource method

When you are creating your own module and need to use a resource, you can access it using the $app.resources.get('resource-id') method. This method will return the coresponding resource initialized and started when you module is executed.

// Get the resource instance via resource manager
var resourceManager = ;
// Test if a resource exist
if($app.resources.exist('resource-id')) {
    // access to the resource
    var resource = $app.resources.get('resource-id');
    // Using a resource method