Running an SXAPI application using the sxapi operator

Install the SXApi operator

Install into an Openshift cluster

The SXApi operator is available via the Operatorhub, available via the community catalog already loaded into an openshift cluster.

Using the web console

You can go to the the operator > operatorHub menu, and search for sxapi into the operator catalog. You can follow the installation and wait for your operator to be deployed globally.

Using the oc client

You can use the following files to create a subscription for a global installation of you SXApi operator. This configuration allow you to deploy applications into all namespaces.

# for alpha channel (devel)
oc apply -f
# for fast channel (sandbox, testing)
oc apply -f
# for stable channel (production)
oc apply -f

Install into a kubernetes cluster

For other kubernetes distribution, you must install the Operator lifecycle Manager (OLM) into your cluster prior the execute the following commands.

# for alpha channel (devel)
oc apply -f
# for fast channel (sandbox, testing)
oc apply -f
# for stable channel (production)
oc apply -f

For more information on how to use this operator, see sxapi operator repository

Run your sxapi instance

Install the default app

After installing the sxapi operator, you can run you first sxapi application with the following example.

Application is deployed in the same namespace as the SXApi custom resource. You should create a project to host this example, with oc new-project demo-sxapi-default, prior to creating this resource.

kind: SXApi
  name: default-sxapi
      enabled: true
    data: |
      sxapi.yml: |-
        name: simple-frontend
        description: simple webpage
        version: "0.0.1"
          port: '8077'
          - path: "/"
            body: |-
                <head><title>Simple frontend (demo)</title></head>
                  <h1>Simple frontend (demo)</h1>
                    This example is deployed using the sxapi operator based on the 
                    <a href="" target="_blank">sxapi chart</a>
                    available in the <a href="" target="_blank">startx helm repository</a>. 

You can instanciate the default sxapi application with the following command

oc new-project demo-sxapi-default
vi sxapi-apps.yaml
# copy and paste the content of the previous yaml content
oc apply -f sxapi-apps.yaml

Example marketing prod

Deploying the version 0.0.1 of the application blackfriday running for the marketing BU. Staged to production, the application is exposed, replicated to 3 and has debug mode disabled. The application is executed with the 0.3.57 version of the sxapi container image and use the prod:start profile.

For tenancy purpose, this application will be deployed into its mkg-blackfriday-prod namespace.

# create and goto project
oc new-project mkg-blackfriday-prod
# create the sxapi application
oc apply -f

Example marketing preprod

Deploying the version 0.0.1 of the application blackfriday running for the marketing BU. Staged to preprod, the application is exposed, replicated to 2 and has debug mode disabled. The application is executed with the 0.3.57 version of the sxapi container image and use the prod:start profile.

For tenancy purpose, this application will be deployed into its mkg-blackfriday-preprod namespace.

# create and goto project
oc new-project mkg-blackfriday-preprod
# create the sxapi application
oc apply -f

Example marketing stagging

A simple example deploy the version 0.0.2 of the application blackfriday running for the marketing BU. Staged to stagging, the application is not exposed, replicated to 2 and has debug mode enabled. The application is executed with the 0.3.61 version of the sxapi container image and use the prod:start profile.

For tenancy purpose, this application will be deployed into its mkg-blackfriday-sandbox namespace, collocated with testing and dev runtimes.

# create and goto project
oc new-project mkg-blackfriday-sandbox
# create the sxapi application
oc apply -f

Example marketing testing

A simple example deploy the version 0.3.61 of the application blackfriday running for the marketing BU. Staged to testing, the application is not exposed, replicated to 1 and has debug mode enabled. The application is executed with the latest version of the sxapi container image and use the prod:start profile.

For tenancy purpose, this application will be deployed into its mkg-blackfriday-sandbox namespace, collocated with stagging and dev runtimes.

# create and goto project
oc new-project mkg-blackfriday-sandbox
# create the sxapi application
oc apply -f

Example marketing dev

A simple example deploy the version 0.0.4 of the application blackfriday running for the marketing BU. Staged to dev, the application is not exposed, replicated to 1 and has debug mode enabled. The application is executed with the testing version of the sxapi container image and use the prod:start profile.

For tenancy purpose, this application will be deployed into its mkg-blackfriday-sandbox namespace, collocated with stagging and testing runtimes.

# create and goto project
oc new-project mkg-blackfriday-sandbox
# create the sxapi application
oc apply -f