SXAPI Installation user guide

This section will help you install a full sxapi project to start building your API. For more information you can visit the sxapi-core project page.

Getting started

Install container version

You can use sxapi within a container by using our public official sxapi docker image

Use the following command to get the last version of sxapi container from docker hub registry

docker pull startx/sxapi:latest

For more information on how to use this project as a container, see docker image user guide

Install NPM module version

You can use sxapi with our official sxapi NPM module

Use the following command within an empty directory

npm install sxapi-core

For more information on how to use this project as a npm module, see npm module user guide

Install from openshift template

You can use sxapi from our openshift template

Use the following command in an openshift environment

oc create -f

For more information on how to use this project with openshift, see openshift user guide

Install source code version

You can use sxapi from our source code

Use the following command within an empty directory

git clone sxapi-core

For more information on how to contribute to this project, see source code user guide

Step by step guides

When you have installed you project, you can start to configure it. Go to the 2. Configure next section.


Read the contributing guide for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is mainly developped by the startx dev team. You can see the complete list of contributors who participated in this project by reading


This project is licensed under the GPL Version 3 - see the LICENCE file for details