SXAPI Core : timer component

The timer component is a core component adding some timing functions to the sxapi core application. It allow us to perfom some timing action to mesure the application performance when runing. With an integrated timer cache, this component can register multiple timers using a simple label identifier.


This component come with no configuration and is loaded just after the tools core components in the loading sequence.

Library content

Timer object

This module return a single of a timer object containing the following methods

Method Description
get(label) Return the timer coresonding to the label
start(label) Start a timer for this label
time(label) Return timestamp of the corresponding label
timeStop(label) Return timestamp of the corresponding label and stop the timer
stop(label) Stop the timer for the corresponding label


var $timer = require('./timer');
var timerId = 'label';
console.log("start timer : "+ $timer.time(timerId)+"ms");
    console.log("after pause : "+ $timer.time(timerId)+"ms");
        console.log("stop timer : "+ $timer.timeStop(timerId)+"ms");
    }, 300);
}, 300);