SXAPI Resource : AWS S3

This resource allow you to interact with the AWS S3 Webservice. Programmers can access resource methods and embed this module methods into there own method and endpoints. API developpers can use resource endpoints into there configuration profile to expose AWS S3 data.

This resource is based on aws-sdk npm module npm and is part of the sxapi-core engine from sxapi.

Resource configuration

To configure this resource, you must add a config key under the resources section of your configuration profile. This key must be a unique string and will be considered as the resource id. The value must be an object who must have the appropriate configuration parameters.

For a better understanting of the sxapi configuration profile, please refer to the configuration guide

This config object will be passed to require('aws-sdk').S3() method of the nodejs aws-sdk module. Read aws-sdk S3 documentation for a complete list of the parameters that you can use in this config object.

Resource config parameters

Param Mandatory Type default Description
_class yes string module name. Must be aws_s3 for this resource
ACCESS_ID yes string your AWS access key ID.
ACCESS_KEY yes string your AWS secret access key.
SESSION_TOKEN no string the optional AWS session token to sign requests with.
QueueUrl no string the default queue url used by this resource
region no string us-west-1 the region to send service requests to. See AWS.S3.region for more information.
... no N/A any S3 option. See see aws-sdk S3 documentation.


This is a sample configuration of this resource. You must add this section under the resources section of your configuration profile

    _class: aws_s3
    region: eu-west-3

Resource methods

If you want to use this resource in our own module, you can retrieve this resource instance by using $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id') where aws-s3-id is the id of your resource as defined in the resource configuration.

This module come with several methods for manipulating aws S3 resources.

1. read method
2. removeMessage method
3. sendMessage method
4. listQueues method
5. createQueue method
6. deleteQueue method

Method read

get a list of message for a list queue.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
options no object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.receiveMessage method. Read documentation for more options
options.QueueUrl no string the queue url to read message from. If not defined will use the default resource queueUrl
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the AWS S3 Webservice. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed a list of messages from the queue


var resource = $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id');
    function (error, response) {
        console.log(error, response);

Method removeMessage

Remove a message from a list queue.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
options yes object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.deleteMessage method. Read documentation for more options
options.ReceiptHandle yes string the message Id to remove
options.QueueUrl no string the queue url to delete message from. If not defined will use the default resource queueUrl
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the AWS S3 Webservice. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed meta informations about the result of this deletion


var resource = $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id');
    function (error, response) {
        console.log(error, response);

Method sendMessage

Send a message to the given queue.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
message yes object The message object
options yes object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.sendMessage method. Read documentation for more options
options.QueueUrl no string the queue url where message should be inserted. If not defined will use the default resource queueUrl
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the AWS S3 Webservice. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed meta informations about the result of this insertion


var resource = $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id');
    { id : "msg1", "key" : "value" }, 
    { QueueUrl:"" }, 
    function (error, response) {
        console.log(error, response);

Method listQueues

get a list of all queues availables.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
options no object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.listQueues method. Read documentation for more options
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the AWS S3 Webservice. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed a list of messages from the queue


var resource = $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id');
resource.listQueues({}, function (error, response) {
        console.log(error, response);

Method createQueue

Create a new message queue


Param Mandatory Type default Description
options yes object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.createQueue method. Read documentation for more options
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the AWS S3 Webservice. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed meta informations about the result of this insertion


var resource = $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id');
resource.createQueue({ }, function (error, response) {
        console.log(error, response);

Method deleteQueue

Delete a message queue.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
options yes object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.deleteQueue method. Read documentation for more options
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the AWS S3 Webservice. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed meta informations about the result of this insertion


var resource = $app.resources.get('aws-s3-id');
resource.deleteQueue({ }, function (error, response) {
        console.log(error, response);

Resource endpoints

This module come with 4 endpoints who can interact with any aws_s3 method.

1. listMessages endpoint
2. addMessage endpoint
3. deleteMessage endpoint
4. listQueue endpoint
5. addQueue endpoint
6. deleteQueue endpoint

listMessages endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to make call to a AWS S3 Webservice and to return the a list of message from a given queue.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "get"
config no string Configuration object to pass to the read resource method (see options)


  - path: "/aws_s3"
    resource: aws-s3-id
    endpoint: listMessages

addMessage endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to insert a key into a AWS S3 Webservice. Document will be the HTTP body of the query.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "create"
config no string Configuration object to pass to the sendMessage resource method (see options)


  - path: "/aws_s3/:id"
    method: POST
    resource: aws-s3-id
    endpoint: addMessage

deleteMessage endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to delete a message from AWS S3 queue. Id is defined by the context.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "delete"
config no object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.deleteMessage method. Read documentation for more options


  - path: "/aws_s3/:id"
    method: DELETE
    resource: aws-s3-id
    endpoint: deleteMessage

listQueue endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to make call to a AWS S3 Webservice and to return the a list of availables queues.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "get"
config no string Configuration object to pass to the listQueues resource method (see options)


  - path: "/aws_s3"
    resource: aws-s3-id
    endpoint: listQueue

addQueue endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to insert a key into a AWS S3 Webservice. Id is defined by the context.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "create"
config no string Configuration object to pass to the createQueue resource method (see options)


  - path: "/aws_s3/:id"
    method: POST
    resource: aws-s3-id
    endpoint: addQueue

deleteQueue endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to delete a complete AWS S3 queue. Id is defined by the context.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "delete"
config no object Configuration option passed to the AWS S3.deleteQueue method. Read documentation for more options


  - path: "/aws_s3/:id"
    method: DELETE
    resource: aws-s3-id
    endpoint: deleteQueue