SXAPI Resource : couchbase

This resource allow you to interact with a Couchbase Enterprise Server Cluster. Programmers can access resource methods and embed this module methods into there own method and endpoints. API developpers can use resource endpoints into there configuration profile to expose couchbase data.

This resource is based on couchbase npm module couchbase SDK and is part of the sxapi-core engine from sxapi.

Resource configuration

To configure this resource, you must add a config key under the resources section of your configuration profile. This key must be a unique string and will be considered as the resource id. The value must be an object who must have the appropriate configuration parameters.

For a better understanting of the sxapi configuration profile, please refer to the configuration guide

This config object will be used with couchbase.Cluster() method of the nodejs couchbase module. Read couchbase sdk documentation for more information.

Resource config parameters

Param Mandatory Type default Description
_class yes string module name. Must be couchbase for this resource
cluster yes string connection tring to the cluster. format is couchbase://host[/bucket] You have to give the full URL, with protocol (http or https) and port number (must be 8091) . If you want to reach a cluster on the same machine using docker, don't forget to use the docker0 interface IP (like 172.17.x.x) using # ifconfig docker0 and not localhost or Example : read more on couchbase connection
bucket yes string the bucket name to use. If you need to connect to several bucket, you'll have to create several resources
user no string Username to use for authentication (in conjuction with password)
password no string Password for the previously defined username
insertOptions no object options used when inserting a document to the bucket. See Couchbase Docs for more informations
insertOptions.persist_to no int Ensures this operation is persisted to this many nodes. Default is set to 0.
insertOptions.replicate_to no int Ensures this operation is replicated to this many nodes. Default is set to 0.
insertOptions.expiry no int Set the initial expiration time for the document. A value of 0 represents never expiring. Default is set to 0.
updateOptions no object options used when updating a document to the bucket. See Couchbase Docs for more informations
updateOptions.persist_to no int Ensures this operation is persisted to this many nodes. Default is set to 0.
updateOptions.replicate_to no int Ensures this operation is replicated to this many nodes. Default is set to 0.
updateOptions.expiry no int Set the initial expiration time for the document. A value of 0 represents never expiring. Default is set to 0.
deleteOptions no object options used when deleting a document to the bucket. See Couchbase Docs for more informations
deleteOptions.persist_to no int Ensures this operation is persisted to this many nodes. Default is set to 0.
deleteOptions.replicate_to no int Ensures this operation is replicated to this many nodes. Default is set to 0.
deleteOptions.expiry no int Set the initial expiration time for the document. A value of 0 represents never expiring. Default is set to 0.


This is a sample configuration of this resource. You must add this section under the resources section of your configuration profile

    _class: couchbase
    bucket: bucket
      expiry: 3600

Resource methods

If you want to use this resource in our own module, you can retrieve this resource instance by using $app.resources.get('couchbase-id') where couchbase-id is the id of your resource as defined in the resource configuration.

This module come with 6 methods for manipulating couchbase dataset.

1. Read method
2. Query method
3. Queryfree method
4. Insert method
5. Update method
6. Delete method

Method read

read a couchbase value by it's given document ID.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
docID yes string null document ID to find
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the couchbase SDK. Will be an error object if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed the document object (if no error)


var resource = $app.resources.get('couchbase-id');'docID', function (error, response) {
    console.log(error, response);

Method query

Send a N1QL request to the query service of the couchbase cluster defined in the given resource. Use Query and Index node as well as Data Node according to your query. Take care of having theses services optimized for the kind of query you perform.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
n1ql yes string null A N1QL query for selecting dataset
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the couchbase SDK. Will be an error object if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed the document object (if no error)


var resource = $app.resources.get('couchbase-id');
resource.query('SELECT name FROM `beer-sample` WHERE  brewery_id ="mishawaka_brewing";', function (error, response) {
    console.log(error, response);

Method queryFree

Send a view request to the query service of the couchbase cluster defined in the given resource. Use only map-reduce function into Data node and work perfectly for targeted data manipulation.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
query yes object options used when inserting a document to the bucket. See Couchbase Docs for more informations
query.ddoc yes string Design Document. View group in couchbase terminology. yes string View name to query
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the couchbase SDK. Will be an error object if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed the document object (if no error)


var resource = $app.resources.get('couchbase-id');
resource.queryFree({ddoc: "beers", name : "brewery_beers"}, function (error, response) {
    console.log(error, response);

Method insert

insert a couchbase document associated to the given ID. Use KV capabilities of Couchbase and work extremely fast on well sized cluster.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
docID yes string null document ID to use
document yes string null document associated to this ID
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the couchbase SDK. Will be an error object if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed the document object (if no error)


var resource = $app.resources.get('couchbase-id');
resource.insert('docID', 'my document', function (error, response) {
    console.log(error, response);

Method update

update a couchbase value associated to the given document ID. Use KV capabilities of Couchbase and work extremely fast on well sized cluster.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
docID yes string null document ID to update
document yes string null the new document associated to this ID
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the couchbase SDK. Will be an error object if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed the document object (if no error)


var resource = $app.resources.get('couchbase-id');
resource.update('docID', 'my new document', function (error, response) {
    console.log(error, response);

Method delete

delete a couchbase document ID and it associated value. Use KV capabilities of Couchbase and work extremely fast on well sized cluster.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
docID yes string null document ID to delete
callback no function default callback function called when server answer the request.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the couchbase SDK. Will be an error object if an error occur.


var resource = $app.resources.get('couchbase-id');
resource.delete('docID', function (error) {

Resource endpoints

This module come with 5 endpoints who can interact with any couchbase method.

1. List endpoint
2. Read endpoint
3. Create endpoint
4. Update endpoint
5. Delete endpoint

List endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to make call to a couchbase server and to return the value associated to the given document ID.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "list"
n1ql yes string the n1ql query to execute and get a result from


  - path: "/couchbase"
    resource: couchbase-id
    endpoint: list
    n1ql: SELECT name FROM `beer-sample` WHERE  brewery_id ="mishawaka_brewing";

Read endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to make call to a couchbase server and to return the value associated to the given document ID. Use KV capabilities of Couchbase and work extremely fast on well sized cluster.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "read"
keyParam no string id param name containing the key received from the client
docPrefix no string a document prefix to use in conjuction with the received key


  - path: "/couchbase/:id"
    resource: couchbase-id
    endpoint: read

Create endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to insert a document ID into a couchbase server. Document Id is defined by the context, and document will be the HTTP body of the query.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "create"
keyParam no string id param name containing the key received from the client
docPrefix no string a document prefix to use in conjuction with the received key


  - path: "/couchbase/:id"
    method: POST
    resource: couchbase-id
    endpoint: create

Update endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to update a document into a couchbase server. Document Id is defined by the context, and document will be the HTTP body of the query.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "update"
keyParam no string id param name containing the key received from the client
docPrefix no string a document prefix to use in conjuction with the received key


  - path: "/couchbase/:id"
    method: PUT
    resource: couchbase-id
    endpoint: update

Delete endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to delete a document into a couchbase server. Document Id is defined by the context. by the context.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "delete"
keyParam no string id param name containing the key received from the client
docPrefix no string a document prefix to use in conjuction with the received key


  - path: "/couchbase/:id"
    method: DELETE
    resource: couchbase-id
    endpoint: delete