SXAPI Resource : sendmail

This resource allow you to send email using a MTA. Programmers can access resource methods and embed this module methods into there own method and endpoints. API developpers can use resource endpoints into there configuration profile to send mails.

This resource is based on nodejs core node and is part of the sxapi-core engine from sxapi.

Resource configuration

To configure this resource, you must add a config key under the resources section of your configuration profile. This key must be a unique string and will be considered as the resource id. The value must be an object who must have the appropriate configuration parameters.

For a better understanting of the sxapi configuration profile, please refer to the configuration guide

Resource config parameters

Param Mandatory Type default Description
_class yes string module name. Must be sendmail for this resource
transport yes object object describing the transport method
message no object object with default messages options


This is a sample configuration of this resource. You must add this section under the resources section of your configuration profile

    _class: sendmail
      host: localhost
      port: 465
      secure: true
        user: myUser
        pass: myPwd

Resource methods

If you want to use this resource in our own module, you can retrieve this resource instance by using $app.resources.get('sendmail-id') where sendmail-id is the id of your resource as defined in the resource configuration.

This module come with one single method.

1. sendMail method

Method sendMail

send mail using the MTA configured and return a description of the sended message.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
mailOptions yes object object describing the message to send
callback no function default callback function called when application get result.
If not defined, dropped to a default function who output information to the debug console
callback(error,response) N/A mixed null will be false or null if no error returned from the application. Will be a string message describing a problem if an error occur.
callback(error,response) N/A mixed the application object (if no error)


var resource = $app.resources.get('sendmail-id');
        "from": "",
        "to": "",
        "subject": "default subject",
        "text": "default message"
    }, function (error, response) {
    console.log(error, response);

Resource endpoints

This module come with a single endpoint.

1. sendMail endpoint

sendMail endpoint

The purpose of this endpoint is to send a mail when called.


Param Mandatory Type default Description
path yes string path used as client endpoint (must start with /)
resource yes string resource id declared in the resource of your config profile
endpoint yes string endpoint name declared in the resource module. In this case must be "info"
other no all other params will be used as message options before sending it to the server


  - path: "/info"
    resource: sendmail-id
    endpoint: sendMail
    subject: default subject
    text: default message